Benefit Factors and Assessment FAQ
The Bank Intercounty Drainage Board is beginning the process of assigning tentative drain assessment amounts to properties in the drainage district to pay for the replacement of the Bank Intercounty Drain. Below are upcoming events and additional information to keep the community informed.
Mark Your Calendar
April 1 & 4 | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Day of Review of Apportionments
Property owners will receive an assessment letter in the coming weeks. The letter will include the estimated total assessment and benefit factors assigned to your parcel. Eaton County and Ingham County will hold a Day of Review for property owners to review their assessment factors and estimated assessment amount.
Ingham County: April 1, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lansing Charter Township Hall
Eaton County: April 4, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Delta Township Public Library
March 25 | 6:00 p.m.
Eaton County Zoom Webinar
We invite property owners and the community in Eaton County to attend an informational webinar where presenters will explain the drain assessment methodology and upcoming Day of Review of Apportionments and share construction updates. Click the button below to join the webinar.
What is a Day of Review of Apportionments?
What Happens to My Assessment if I Sell My Property?
To learn more about the drainage district, boundaries, assessment, or construction, visit the "Resources" and "FAQ" pages on our website.
Review the Drainage District Boundaries
The Drainage District Board approved the revised district boundaries on January 16, 2025. Click the button below to see the drainage district map.
The information in this blog post came from an email sent out on 3/11/25. To register for email updates for the Bank Intercounty Drain project, click here.